Digital sampling trace in zenon Logic Editor. Clicking on the Radio button Each cycle in the settings of the digital sampling trace leads to an error message when no value was entered in the lower TextBox and then trying to change a tab in the dialog. 

Digital sampling trace in zenon Logic Editor. Clicking on the Radio button Each cycle in the settings of the digital sampling trace leads to an error message when no value was entered in the lower TextBox and then trying to change a tab in the dialog. 


When no value is entered for the sampling period in the settings of the digital sampling trace and then clicking on the Each cycle radiobutton, an error message appears when trying to change to an other tab in the dialog.


When no value is entered for the sampling period in the settings of the digital sampling trace and then clicking on the Each cycle radiobutton, an error message appears when trying to change to an other tab in the dialog.


This issue has been addressed by greying out the TextBox for the sampling period when the radiobutton Each cycle gets clicked. 

Issue Number: 33745
Fixed on Date: 6.4.2016
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 27465