deleting the source tag in a reaction´s allocation leaves behind a grayed out target tag and causes a validation error.

deleting the source tag in a reaction´s allocation leaves behind a grayed out target tag and causes a validation error.


In a phase´s reaction you may configure an allocation and link a source tag and a target tag. If you later want to delete the allocation you may remove the linked source tag. This will disable the target tag property. While you may think this has deactivated the allocation, it actually made the allocation invalid (the validation of a recipe with this phase will report an error). To really deactivate the allocation, you have to remove also the target tag. Unfortunately you can only do this if a source tag is linked, otherwise you can´t edit the target tag.


In a phase´s reaction you may configure an allocation and link a source tag and a target tag. If you later want to delete the allocation you may remove the linked source tag. This will disable the target tag property. While you may think this has deactivated the allocation, it actually made the allocation invalid (the validation of a recipe with this phase will report an error). To really deactivate the allocation, you have to remove also the target tag. Unfortunately you can only do this if a source tag is linked, otherwise you can´t edit the target tag.


The described usability issue has been addressed. The target tag property can now always be edited, no matter if a source tag is linked or not. Note that only linking a source tag but no target tag will still be recognized as an invalid allocation.

Issue Number: 24453
Fixed on Date: 30.5.2017
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068