Creating Tables for AML/CEL continous SQL export and external storage does not work on SQL Server versions older than 2019

Creating Tables for AML/CEL continous SQL export and external storage does not work on SQL Server versions older than 2019


Tables for continuous export and external storage cannot be created on SQL Server prior to version 2019. This error has been fixed.


If continuous SQL export or external storage in a SQL database is configured in the Engineering Studio for AML and/or CEL, no tables can be created if the SQL Server version is lower than 2019. Clicking on the "Create table" button in the respective configuration dialog leads to an error. The Diagnosis Viewer displays the error code [155] and the message: "'OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY' is not a recognized CREATE TABLE option".

Cause: In current zenon versions the CREATE TABLE command contained the option "OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF". This is not recognized by SQL Server less than 2019. The table cannot then be created.

This error has been fixed. The respective option has been removed from the "Create table" command. The creation of tables works again for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and higher.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher.

Item ID: 240937
Version: 10.00 Build: 83962