Description If several files such as graphics, help files, multimedia files etc. are deleted simultaneously in a Smart Office Template (SOT), the EngineeringStudio is closed unexpectedly. Deleting a single file is possible without any problems. This ...
Description The creation of a new SOT via the Equipment Group led to an unexpected closure after a switch between projects. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software ...
Summary Deleting a referenced Smart Object Template (SOT) causes zenon to exit unexpectedly. This error has been fixed. Description A SOT contains a zenon Logic project and a variable that is externally visible for zenon Logic. This SOT is referenced ...
Description The SOT instance variables got unassigned from the SOT instance after deletion of any zenon logic program in the project. The variable properties were editable in the variable list after deletion of any logic program in the project. The ...
Description If in a Smart Object Template (SOT) a screen is exported as XML, this leads to a crash of the Engineering Studio. This error has been fixed. Screens can be exported as XML in a SOT again. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...