Command Processing is using randomized text as 'switching direction' greater than 5

Command Processing is using randomized text as 'switching direction' greater than 5


Command Processing for action 'set value, DIR: xx': when no reaction matrix is linked to the response variable, then the module has predefined texts about 'switching direction' for values until 5. If after the command was executed, the feedback variable has a value higher as 5 then some randomized text may be appended.


Command Processing for action 'set value, DIR: xx': when no reaction matrix is linked to the response variable, then the module has predefined texts about 'switching direction' for values until 5. If after the command was executed, the feedback variable has a value higher as 5 then some randomized text may be appended.


now, if there is no Rema and the value is bigger 5 then the text is empty.

Issue Number: 33724
Fixed on Date: 3.12.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068