ComboBox-Element is visualized locked when its infact unlocked

ComboBox-Element is visualized locked when its infact unlocked


With locking/unlocking of the combobox element, there was no graphical update of the element itself. Now every change in locking/unlocking updates the graphical representation of the combobox element, so the state will be correctly displayed.


With locking/unlocking of the combobox element, there was no graphical update of the element itself. Now every change in locking/unlocking updates the graphical representation of the combobox element, so the state will be correctly displayed.


Minimize/restore the whole runtime window to force a redraw of the element.

Issue Number: 191586
Fixed on Date: 6.9.2019
Versions: 8.00 0 BUILD 60603 | 8.10 0 BUILD 60592