Cel print with Switch language in Sub Project from Integration Project doesn’t work.

Cel print with Switch language in Sub Project from Integration Project doesn’t work.


Printing the CEL from a subproject after a language switch does not work correctly. In another language translated Keywords are not included in the Print. This behavior has been modified.


In a project, the CEL is configured for integration project and subproject. Both projects have a language file. Switching the language works correctly for the projects view in the Service Engine.  But translating in the subproject for printing the CEL does not work correctly.


The translation of the keywords for the printout is only done correctly if all keywords of the subproject are also included in the integration project. If a keyword is included only in the subproject, it will not be translated for printing.


This behavior has been modified. When printing the CEL, all keywords from all projects are translated correctly.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher.


Item ID: 265030
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700
Version: 10.00 Build: 153228