CEL filter might work incorrect when "always include system messages" is activated

CEL filter might work incorrect when "always include system messages" is activated


In zenon 7.20 the property "always include system messages" was added to the CEL filter. It allows to add system messages to the displayed CEL entries even if other filters are used which would exclude system messages (like a variable filter). Actually, activating the new option would deactivate other filters. Therefor it is not possible to use a variable filter and still display system messages. It is also not possible to configure a filter to only display system messages.


In zenon 7.20 the property "always include system messages" was added to the CEL filter. It allows to add system messages to the displayed CEL entries even if other filters are used which would exclude system messages (like a variable filter). Actually, activating the new option would deactivate other filters. Therefor it is not possible to use a variable filter and still display system messages. It is also not possible to configure a filter to only display system messages.


The behaviour of the "always include system messages" has been improved so that it can now be combined with other filters.


Issue Number: 34179
Fixed on Date: 17.4.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 19742 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796