CD_CRemoveTransactionContainerEntriesOnSB is sent to all clients causing unnecessary network trafic

CD_CRemoveTransactionContainerEntriesOnSB is sent to all clients causing unnecessary network trafic


Write-complete-notifications on the server were sent not only to the standby server but to all clients, too. This could lead to increased network load. In certain use cases it was also possible to confirm the writing completion while changes were still being made to an object.

The sending mechanism for write-complete-notifications on the server was adjusted:

  • Notification is now sent only to the standby server.
  • Notifications cannot be sent if changes still need to be made to an object.

To benefit from these changes: 

  • Update to the latest build of zenon 10 or 11.

Item ID: 254125
Version: 11.00 Build: 104641
Version: 10.00 Build: 103999