Buttons configured as pushbuttons never reset after holding time, keeping the on-value set.

Buttons configured as pushbuttons never reset after holding time, keeping the on-value set.


In the Service Engine pushbuttons are not reset after the holding time. This has been fixed


In the Service Engine, buttons that are configured as pushbuttons are not reset after the holding time. They retain the switch-on value. This bug occurs if several buttons are pressed in succession within a very short time. If, for example, another button is pressed within the reaction time of a button, this second button is not reset. The value remains unchanged until the next screen switch.

The behavior is independent of the screen type and the driver. The bug occurs from zenon 8.20, Build 81575.

This bug has been fixed. Pushbuttons work as expected again.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher.

Item ID: 280750
Version: 14.00 Build: 239777
Version: 12.00 Build: 241649
Version: 11.00 Build: 242382