Beckhoff NG driver mode switching in stop/simulation blocks the service engine for a long time / cycle time errors

Beckhoff NG driver mode switching in stop/simulation blocks the service engine for a long time / cycle time errors


Beckhoff TwinCat NG driver blocks Service Engine when switching to Stop/Simulation driver mode. This has been fixed.


When the Beckhoff TwinCat NG driver switches to Stop or Driver Simulation mode, it blocks the Service Engine for a long time due to a cycle time error.

This error has been fixed. Changing the driver mode has no influence on the stability of the Service Engine.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 8.20 or higher.

Item ID: 272348
Version: 10.00 Build: 214128
Version: 8.20 Build: 210940