BACnetNG: while using trend logs, if a variable with wrong object name is being requested and the driver can´t retrieve any data, all following variables are skipped

BACnetNG: while using trend logs, if a variable with wrong object name is being requested and the driver can´t retrieve any data, all following variables are skipped


For the BACnetNG driver, if trendlogs from a variable with an incorrect object name are requested and can not be received, all following variables from the same device will not be requested. 
This issue has been addressed and the following variables will be requested after a variable with incorrect object name failed to receive trendlogs. 
To benefit from this fix: 
  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher. 

Item ID: 287087
Version: 14.00 Build: 314355
Version: 12.00 Build: 301428
Version: 11.00 Build: 314353