Currently, the zenon BacnetNG driver by default uses the ( . ) as separator of the bacnet device and object. This cannot be changed or configured by the user.
Some BMS Vendors uses very often a ( . ) character in the variable name. This then causes the zenon Bacnet driver to have problems resolving where the device name and object name starts & ends, due to inclusion of ( .) in the variable name.
Currently, the zenon BacnetNG driver by default uses the ( . ) as separator of the bacnet device and object. This cannot be changed or configured by the user.
Some BMS Vendors uses very often a ( . ) character in the variable name. This then causes the zenon Bacnet driver to have problems resolving where the device name and object name starts & ends, due to inclusion of ( .) in the variable name.
Added additional setting to configure the seperator between device name and object name