assigning a database connection to the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA) is not possible

assigning a database connection to the Industrial Performance Analyzer (IPA) is not possible


The Industrial Performance Analyzer (IP) requires linking a database in which the alarm information will be stored. The connection string to this database has to be stored in a property. To import a connection string, it is possible to select a *.dsn file from a file selection dialog. However, under special circumstances it can happen that selecting a *.dsn file from the file selection dialog will not lead to a connection string stored at the property.


The Industrial Performance Analyzer (IP) requires linking a database in which the alarm information will be stored. The connection string to this database has to be stored in a property. To import a connection string, it is possible to select a *.dsn file from a file selection dialog. However, under special circumstances it can happen that selecting a *.dsn file from the file selection dialog will not lead to a connection string stored at the property.


After the fix, the connection string will be correctly stored in the IPA property.


Issue Number: 28318
Fixed on Date: 30.11.2012
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 5560