How can I get started with a zenon Service Engine on Linux?

How can I get started with a zenon Service Engine on Linux?

Since release of version 12, a zenon Service Engine is available on Linux.
The Service Engine can be used as a gateway - for example to transmit PLC data from a remote location to the zenon IIoT-API or the Data-Storage over an internet connection.
It doesn't come with a native UI and only limited features are available for now (Version 12).

If you'd like to know more and if you'd like to setup a zenon service engine on Linux yourself,
you can follow this link to our GitHub-documentation.

An official documentation within our embedded or online help will be added soon, but for now you can interact with the GitHub website and also provide feedback if you like.

Since our guide is based on the use of IIoT services, you can find further information in our online help on how to setup and interact with these services.

An updated "Getting-Started Guide" for IIoT Services beginners will also be available later this year and linked in this article when ready.