After reloading the runtime on a Windows CE device, alarms and events dissappear from the list.

After reloading the runtime on a Windows CE device, alarms and events dissappear from the list.


After compiling all runtime files, transferring the runtime files and reloading the runtime on a Windows CE device, all current alarms and events are no longer displayed in the list


After compiling all runtime files, transferring the runtime files and reloading the runtime on a Windows CE device, all current alarms and events are no longer displayed in the list


The alarms and events are now also saved automatically by the runtime on Windows CE on reloading and closing the runtime as well.


Previously alarms and events in the runtime on Windows CE with the default configuration were saved only when the function to save aml / cel data was called explicitly. Closing or reloading the runtime did not store current alarms and events pesistently. Especially in early days, flash memory had a limited lifetime and write access was slow. To prevent excessive writing, alarms and events by default were not saved on Windows CE. Two project properties exist to save also historical alarms on Windows CE, and to save the ringbuffer spontaneously when an alarm or event occurs. Two zenon functions exist, to save remament data and aml / cel.

Issue Number: 30324
Fixed on Date: 11.9.2013
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 12