Active Directory: zenon logon screen does not adopt the configured policies from the AD user group policy

Active Directory: zenon logon screen does not adopt the configured policies from the AD user group policy


Under specific circumstances locked out users are treated as locked out for longer than configured


Under specific circumstances locked out users are treated as locked out for longer than configured


1- Wait more than 3 minutes and then login

2- Delete the RT folder and recompile the entire project (deleting password.cmp alone does not fix the problem).

3- Manually unlock the user in AD Users and Computers

4- Reset the user LockoutTime attribute to zero in AD users and computers

5- Use a .bat file with the 'NET USER 'username' /DOMAIN /ACTIVE:YES' command inside, which is scheduled to run while pressing the login button.

6- Powershell: Search-ADAccount –LockedOut

Issue Number: 248291
Fixed on Date: 9.2.2022
Versions: 8.20 0 BUILD 95599 | 10 0 BUILD 97200