Go to Drivers > New Driver Create a Driver of Type "OPC UA Client Driver" Open the Driver Configuration Go to "Connections" Create a new Connection Enter your Discovery URL Enter your Server URL manually or click the 3 dots to browse the Discovery ...
Summary When a subscription is created by an OPC UA client with publishing disabled and monitored items are added and after that publishing is enabled, the OPC UA server returns all monitored items in publish responses in keep alive messages although ...
Summary Communication cannot be established between a specific OPC UA client and the AccessOPCUA Process Gateway, when the client uses Basic256Sha256 with sign, and a UserNameIdentityToken with a specific encryption algorithm for authentication. ...
Summary The zenProcGateway.exe, OPC UA Server crashes when removing an exported variable while an OPC UA Client is currently connected to the server. Description The zenProcGateway.exe, OPC UA Server crashes when removing an exported variable while ...
Description The OPC UA Process Gateway closed unexpectedly when an OPC UA client attempted to read ServerCapabilities->SoftwareCertificates. The issue has been fixed and the Gateway is now stable. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software ...