AccessDNP3_SG: non-standard dual event not generated under specific circumstances

AccessDNP3_SG: non-standard dual event not generated under specific circumstances


The AccessDNP3_SG process gateway does not generate the configured duplicate events under certain circumstances.


The AccessDNP3_SG Process Gateway supports an optional, non-standard behavior. In this, two events are generated for a single change: one event with a timestamp and one event without a timestamp.

Under specific circumstances, only a single event was generated for a change instead of two events. The AccessDNP3_SG process gateway now correctly generates two events when configured to do so. 

To benefit from this fix:
  • Upgrade to the latest build of zenon Software Platform  8.10 or later.

Item ID: 255305
Version: 11.00 Build: 106404
Version: 10.00 Build: 106141
Version: 8.10 Build: 106052