A recording cycle more than 1 hour can result in a wrong cycle when the moment is close after the time when the daylight saving switches to summer.

A recording cycle more than 1 hour can result in a wrong cycle when the moment is close after the time when the daylight saving switches to summer.


In the Historian, a recording cycle of more than 1 hour leads to incorrect cycles if the recording time is shortly after the changeover from standard time (STD) to daylight saving time (DST).

This behavior has been changed for European Standard Time (CET) and European Summer Time (CEST). In these time zones, switching to DST or back to STD has no effect on the recording cycle any more.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or higher.

Attention: In all other time zones, changing from STD to DST and vice versa may still result in invalid recording times. This can happen if the following conditions are met:

  • Cycle time greater than 1 hour
  • Cycle time smaller than one month
  • Time zone is outside CET/CEST

Item ID: 252007
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700