3S_V3 driver maximum of 10 characters possible for node name

3S_V3 driver maximum of 10 characters possible for node name


When entering manually a node name in the driver connectiobn configuration, there is a maximum of 10 characters. Node names can have mor than 10 characters, eg. the automatic given name for PC based codesys PLC is the PC Name like 'PC123-WORKSTATION74'


When entering manually a node name in the driver connectiobn configuration, there is a maximum of 10 characters. Node names can have mor than 10 characters, eg. the automatic given name for PC based codesys PLC is the PC Name like 'PC123-WORKSTATION74'


The limit in the configuration dialog has been removed


Issue Number: 30814
Fixed on Date: 5.12.2013
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 15 | 7.20 0 BUILD 17768