3S_V3 driver communication stops after executing a warm or cold restart on the PLC

3S_V3 driver communication stops after executing a warm or cold restart on the PLC


The delevopment environment of Codesys V3 provides a function "warm restart" and "cold restart".

If used the PLC program stops and so does the comunication. Values can be written but are not read.

After starting the Soft PLC again the polling of varriables does not take place.

A restart of the PLC or the driver is necessary.


The delevopment environment of Codesys V3 provides a function "warm restart" and "cold restart".

If used the PLC program stops and so does the comunication. Values can be written but are not read.

After starting the Soft PLC again the polling of varriables does not take place.

A restart of the PLC or the driver is necessary.


Communication loss is no more detected on STATE_RUNNING. The variable status is now set to invalid if the advise at the PLCHandler fails.

Issue Number: 34512
Fixed on Date: 2.6.2015
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 20530 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796