3D-Tool: Function execution not properly triggered when clicking on a 3D element that is linked to a function
In the zenon Service Engine 3D-Tool, clicking on an element within the 3D model does not trigger the associated function. This has been fixed.
In very
complex 3D models, rendering can lead to delays if the hardware is insufficient.
Double taps (double clicks) are then no longer recognized as such. Associated functions are not triggered then.
implementation has been adjusted and now triggers the function even if the
delay is high. In addition, the delay value for double-tap (double-click) has
been increased.
To benefit from this fix:
- Update your zenon Software Platform to
the latest build of zenon 10 or
Item ID: 261747
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700
Version: 10.00 Build: 153228
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