Description Changing the authorization level in the MSI Interface caused other fields to be modified in the appsettings.json file. The issue has been addressed and other fields are no longer changed in case of authorization level changes. To benefit ...
Description In the CNetDrv driver the Sequence number in the acknowledge message was not the same as the Sequence number in the SOE response. The issue has been addressed and the Sequence number is now the same in the acknowledge message and the SOE ...
Description The TLS connections were not following the Operating System defaults and were using an older TLS version. The issue has been addressed and the TLS connections now follow the Operating System defaults and use the current TLS version. To ...
Description The reloading of the historian was done at the same time as the historian recording thread and sometimes resulted in an unexpected closure. The issue has been addressed and the historian will now shut down when the reloading begins. To ...
Summary During a CTI session the Security Management Team of COPA-DATA HQ found a series of vulnerabilities in a 3rd-party-library used in the zenon Software Platform. The security vulnerabilities (CVEs) disclosed by Progress Software Corporation ...
We found Engineering Studio (Editor), Service Engine (Runtime) and License Manager not starting anymore consistantly showing the progress bar. This situation can be cuased by prolonging Windows Updates. Please make sure you have the latest Windows ...
If you find Diagnosis Log messages like WINSOCK ERROR--GetHostByName Failed Server or Windows Event Log messages like The socket could not be constructed! Host/IP/Adapter: WSAError: make sure the computer name is not longer than 15 characters. Verify ...
Here, you can access a comprehensive list of changes across all maintained versions of the zenon Software Platform as Excel Worksheets. This includes both implemented bug-fixes and new features. Additionally, these lists are available in as Excel ...
The zenon Smart Client is an mainly an ActiveX control and therefore requires NPAPI support. Due to the age of the API and its security issues, major web browser vendors began phasing out the support in 2013. As a result, the use of HTML5 ...
System Information Collector (SIC) is a version-independent tool that effortlessly collects and displays diagnostic data of all zenon Software Platform products and relevant operating system information. When a product of the zenon Software Platform ...