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Omron NX connection problem
Hello, I have a problem connecting to PLC NX102. Often after starting the computer, the connection to the PLC does not work properly and I have to restart the computer again. Diagnosis Viewer displays two errors: - Receiving EthernetIP Header failed.
License for Zenon 7 and new versions
Hi, Our company has 3 license keys of Zenon 7 and we are currently using Zenon 7.60 version but would like to upgrade to a newer version, such as 8.20 or 10? We tried to install Zenon 8.20 but our keys are not compatible with this version. How can we
Lot Filter
Hello all, I have some questions about Lot filter: 1. How to disable Screen specific action OK, if nothing selected in the list? 2. How to change column with for List? 3. How to get recipe group, name etc. from lot filter? Thanks in advance MK
SCADA variable export for third party integration
Good afternoon, We currently need to integrate the historian values from the zenon 11 to an external software, We are currently thinking on using the iot gateway but there is a license issue. Is there a way for the zenon 11 energy edition to export this
WVS Ops Manager
I'm trying to setup Web Visualization Service, but I can't find Web Visualization Service Ops Manager Controller in Starttup Tool. I can start it manually from folder where I installed zenon. Also in Application Options in tab Web visualization Service