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Scrollbar in un immagine di tipo supervisione globale
Buongiorno, sto costruendo delle immagini di tipo "supervisione globale" le quali, quando c'è il service engine attivo possono essere scrollate verticalmente con le dita su un touch panel. (idealmente come l'utilizzo di un tablet oppure cellulare) Per
archive changes
Sorry about my english i have some problem about service engine when i change password and change value in RGM ,After pressing the save button the data is changed but then i turn off system The data returns to the original so how can i fix that Than
OPC UA HDA with UA models using process gateways
Hi, Can i get OPC UA HDA when i am using a Siome model? Under is a part of my siome model. <UAVariable DataType="String" NodeId="ns=1;i=6012" BrowseName="1:Description" ParentNodeId="ns=1;s=kakebake" UserAccessLevel="3" AccessLevel="3"> <DisplayName>Description</DisplayName>
Driver STRATONNG cannot be created due to licensing reasons ZENON
Hello, Suddenly my working Zenon screen stopped and when try restarting 'Zenon Runtime 7.20 32 bit', it gives me some errors and runtime is not starting. It also gives error "The licensed variable number has been exceeded." But i've used only 1847 variable
SQL Export performance
Hello. I started integrating "SQL Export" function into projects. Target database - PostgreSQL. Right now I have two questions: 1. What standard performance is possible (rows per minute)? Currently 180 thousand rows are exported for 3 hours. It is too
Command Process
After making our command process settings, the on-off buttons on the comment screen are not active. So I can't click on the button. What could be the reason for this?
Command Control
Hello Command from control center goes through but does not go through from local HMI. What could be the possible cause of the problem.
License conversion
how to convert copadata Software Dongle standard license back to Software Dongle VirtualMachine
Array indexing by a variable
Dear All, I try to use Logic in Zenon. I try to index an array using another variable as the index: ArrayName[IndexingVariable] := value; I tried to parenthesis but unfortunately nothing has helped yet and I got "Unknown identifier" error. I tried with
Is it possible to export Historian from one project and Import in another project without losing any properties and historian variables?
Hi, I have Zenon editor and i made some modifications on there. I saved all files multiple times but I did not create backup. Can i revert back my workspace to before i did the modification. I have Zenon v11.0. Please advise.
In My project I have 100000 variables and all variables need on OPC UA client requirement therefore I created 5 separate instances of Zenon Process gateway which different from port number I created 5 function for starting all instances and script for
What is the Tag limit of zenon OPC UA process gateway(server)?
In my project I have 2 smart objects I have created 18 instances of one type of smart object and another 18 for second smart object all variables communicating through MODBUS so in my project I have two drivers for two smart objects I created total 36
How to get the Zenon "Service Engine/Runtime" version and the "License version"
I would like to get via C# application the version and the active license of the Zenon "Service Engine/Runtime" installed in my target IPC. I would like to print in a form this information via a String. For exampe to get the String: "zenon SE OP 4096
Facing SQL Server Installation Issue while V12 Reinstallation
I am facing sql server installation issue while reinstalling zenon v12. Recently I had uninstalled v11 and v12 versions (they were taking a lot of space) and thay were working fine. I uninstalled those versions using total uninstall software as recommended
Access to project settings > file storage field "Online help"
Hello, in Zenon 10 the SCADA Addin Framework allows reading and writing into the "File storage" window that exists under each project's properties > General in the "Name/Folder" section. Almost all the folder fields are writeable in C# code by this syntax:
how to add CEL data on a Report?
Hi! I have a report that shows the variables from zenon application, but i want to also add data from CEL (like eSignatures). I already have a Historian Archive that records the data for variables; how could I add CEL data to it in order to be able to
How to increase String lenght?
Hi! I'm trying to make a dynamic text field that writes into a STRING variable, but I'm not able to write more than 5 characters, how can I increase the allowed size ? I am using this type:
UDFB input must be connected to a variable.
Hello In zenon logic i want to create Udfb using Vsigettime function block when I compiled the udfb program I get an error :VSIGETTIME input must be connected to a variable even if that i create the input variable and I connect it to the function block.
Service Engine Closes whenever I open the Report Viewer Screen
Whenever I open the Report Viewer Screen, screen opens and after loading for few seconds it closes the Service Engine. I tried with Archive data, Online data and CEL separately. but it is not working. I am unable to identify the problem.
IEC 61850 File Transfer with Add-in
Hi there! I was trying to get comtrade files from IED through the command function with IEC 61850. It is possible to change the storage path in local pc when getting the files? I know it can be changed in the driver setting, but is it possible to change
How can ı add the audio for alarm list
Hi , I want to add some setting in my alarm list. I want to add the sound when alarm occurs and sound is stopped when user press the acknowledge button. İs there any way to do this. Thank you Regards
Zenon 14: .NET 8.0 ?
Hi, Release notes for Zenon 14 states the following: But I can't find more than that about it. Template
Data-Base on Zenon
I need for my project to create a Data-Base on Zenon and then Read and Write on this Data-Base with The ADD-IN what the steps to do to make the data base and how to access it with the add-in
I am unable to launch zenonhelp.
Service Node Configuration Tool
Por favor, ¿alguien podría decirme qué causa este error? Error Hubo un error al recuperar el paquete de https://localhost:9450/: El controlador del concentrador respondió con el código InternalServerError y el motivo Error interno del servidor, cuando
two single binary input at doble point binary (usint)
I have two digital values which I want to convert into a double value, but preserving the time and quality stamp of the original points, what is the simplest way to do it?
Zenon show all value changes - CEL
Hi, I want to use Zenon Chronological Event List or something like it to show all value changes. We are doing signal testing in the office. Is there a way to get a list in Zenon that shows all recent value changes and events, i also want to see the current
Command Processing
I do not understand why ı get 2 as an value in the Command Processing. Can anyone help me. We are currently testing our scada but we could not observe any changes when we press open or close buttons in command screen Regards Berk
Checkbox or Radial elements?
Hi, I'm trying to implement a way to select an option between 3 posiblities, but only one of those 3. I know i can use a combo-box but I want to know if there is a posible way to make somethin like a Checkbox or Radial.
ZenDbSrv Issuse
Hi, I have an issue in Opening the Workspace/Eidtor. While opening the editor, Error is Showing as ZenDBSer.exe not running. When Internet is disconnected from PC, then its working fine. Zenon Version used : Zenon Energy Edition 8.00 I tried doing standard
send telegram with 6byte data using modrtu32
Dear, Can somebody help me with the following. I want to send (driver MODRTU32) a modbus telegram(0E 10 18 D6 00 03 06 08 F7 00 00 00 01 5D C4) to a comap controller. The telegram must command a reset in this controller. I have made a recipe that puts
.dmp files fill clients memory on computer
Hello All, Our client has complained to us that .dmp files accumulate after turning off the Smart Client application. These files can sometimes take up to 100MB. Client have erased bunch of them, total 10GB. Is there any way to stop generate .dmp files
Can't read variable from ZENON in API C#
I have tried all Syntax I can still can't Read an Integer Value from Variable in Zenon Please if you know how to Read and Store the Value in C# VAR let me know...
ICCP gateway
I am doing tests with two zenon 11, one collects data from a device in dnp3 and sends it by iccp to another zenon 11, but the second zenon does not correctly show me the time stamp of origin, instead the zenon that is connected to the device dnp3 if the
Why Zenon 7.20 full setup is not available on official download page other version are available but why 7.20 is not ?
Why Zenon 7.20 full setup is not available on official download page other version are available but why 7.20 is not ? i have used it in my earlier projects.
Setting up Start Type property in add-in source to Automatic
How to set Start Type property in add-in source?
I have a project which resolution is 640x480 i want to change to 1024x768
I have a project which resolution is 640x480 i want to change to 1024x768 Which tool should i use Thanks
Email a generated report daily
Hi support, I have a Zenon report in the report viewer screen built that users of the system have to get onto the zenon system to generate every day at the same time. Is there a way to generate the PDF version of the report and email it to the users daily
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