ZenOn 7 and Message Control

ZenOn 7 and Message Control

I am currently using ZenOn 7 SP 0 Build 1, on Windows Server 2008, and I have some questions, about the Message Control service, to ask you :
I am using, and can send phone calls through the Message Control program, in ZenOn 7. I can aknoledge correctly my messages. But, whatever the WAVE file I use, the Message Control does not seem to send any sound in the phone, a sort of noise can be heard, but not what the WAVE file has in it. Is there any bitrate or frequency to use in order to send correctly the sounds through this function?
In the GSM-SMS service, I tried to send twelve messages at once, using scripts. It seems that it sent all the 12 SMS in the CEL, but I only recieved 8 SMS in my cellphone. I noticed that, some messages are sent at the same second, in the CEL. Is there a way to add a delay between two messages to send?
Thank you for your answers.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 09.08.2012 by user nmblanquart. Please be aware that information can be outdated.