Write to variable with "Save" button

Write to variable with "Save" button

Dear community,
I am looking for a way to enter a couple of numerical values manually (e.g. manually measured values).
By pressing a "Save" button I would like to transfer each of them to an other variable which is linked to an spontaneous archive.
Of course is would be possible to manually write to an archived variable, but when a user enters a wrong value (maybe 1990 instead of 199) and corrects the mistake, both values would be archived. On ETM or Report Viewer it looks terrible and Rate of Change calculations are influenced by that.
What I did so far:
For User input I am using an internal variable.
For saving to an archive I am using a Math variable where calculation is only executed by variable trigger.
Formular is just "X01" where X01 is the user input Variable.
This trigger is linked to the "Save" switch. (I am using a switch instead of button)
Problem: Math variable value is not remanent and goes back to 0 after runtime restart.
Thanks in advance!!

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 30.07.2014 by user junior. Please be aware that information can be outdated.