WPF with code behind (update of changes behavior)

WPF with code behind (update of changes behavior)


when I change something in code behind project, when I load xaml to wpf object in zenon Supervisor, no changes mades. First version of that xaml loads.

If I change background at xaml only oproject, than that changes accepts correctly. So I suppose that that project updates correctly.

If I load that changed version on new project in zenon project tree, than changed version loads correctly. And then repeats.

How to inform zenon Supervisor, that changes made in code behind project?

I had made: repick of project reference and clean, rebuild for both projects, deleted used wpf and xaml, dll form project.
In WPF App, all changes in that 2 projects accepts correctly.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 19.01.2022 by user Oleksandr. Please be aware that information can be outdated.