WPF Engineering Studio Wizard - External Controls

WPF Engineering Studio Wizard - External Controls


There's a little project I am working on right now and it seems there are some issues with utilizing external WPF Controls (Syncfusion)

Essentially I add the nuget package containing the control, implement what I want to implement and then - upon build - I get a very unusual errors. Seems to me that there are some issues with the CreateScadaAddInPackage method.

C:\Program Files (x86)\COPA-DATA\zenon Software Platform 10\AddInFramework\AddInFramework.Build.targets(24,5): error : Could not create package file from assembly bin\Debug\UaMappingWizard.dll into bin\Debug.

C:\Program Files (x86)\COPA-DATA\zenon Software Platform 10\AddInFramework\AddInFramework.Build.targets(24,5): error : Specified method is not supported

  • Running it on multiple different workstations.
  • Reinstalling VS and SCADA Developer Tools.
  • Adding dlls manually to AddInInfo.cs

Nothing helped.

Any tips?

Zenon Version: 10

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 26.01.2022 by user mwieczorkiewicz. Please be aware that information can be outdated.