VBA Variable at ZENON 7.6, thisProject.Variables.Item("varName").Value returns Err

VBA Variable at ZENON 7.6, thisProject.Variables.Item("varName").Value returns Err

I am using ZENON 7.6.

1. Define a value.

2. Set value.
thisProject.Variables.Item("userID").Value = adoRecordSet("UserID")
In ZEON Runtime, I can display this value.

3. Get value. <-- Error
But in VBA Editor, below code returns error. ( I programmed below code in Modules > ModuleElement )
MsgBox thisProject.Variables.Item("userID").Value

The API says to me:
variable has Value Property.

But I can not access to thisProject.Varaibles.Item("varName").Value.

How can I get variable in VBA?

Thanks for your help.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 16.05.2017 by user monad. Please be aware that information can be outdated.