Using the Remote Transport in the Add-In interface

Using the Remote Transport in the Add-In interface

I noticed using the IRemoteTransport interface that the Event RemoteTransportTransferCompleted probably does not work as intended. In the project the mentioned Event is not getting triggered and the runtime does not start. While working on a work around i noticed that the runtime will start after manually closing a MessageBox (RemoteTransportTest2). I guess there are some Timing problems with transferring runtime data and starting the runtime. If you would open a MessageBox in the project after transfering the runtime files, the event triggers but does not start the runtime.(To verify that you can write some text to the output window in the zenon editor) To get the Event to work/ get the runtime started you have to stop the code temporarily (for example MessageBox). Furthermore i noticed if you go step by step through the code in in debug mode (without displaying the messagebox) the runtime will start. My question is if i made mistakes when using the RemoteTransport Interface or if this is some kind of bug.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 07.07.2020 by user Schdre. Please be aware that information can be outdated.