Time Filter with "Print Extended Trend diagram" function

Time Filter with "Print Extended Trend diagram" function

Hello All,
I am using Zenon 7.50 SP0 Build 49034.
I want to print a trend with a function of type "Print Extended Trend diagram"
But the time filter should be set automatically with a VBA-Makro.
I want to set the same "absolute Time" filter which is used for the Trend Picture.

I only need to know which DynProperties I have to enter for the Function.
Here is my Makro.

Public Sub LeftClickUp_PrintTrend(obElem As Element)

Dim MyPic As DynPicture
Dim MyPicFilter As PictureFilter
Dim MyFct As RtFunction

Set MyPic = thisProject.DynPictures.Item("ar_TrendTunnel")
Set MyPicFilter = MyPic.PictureFilter
Set MyFct = thisProject.RtFunctions.Item("fc_Pic_TunnelTemperatur")

MyFct.DynProperties("Filter.TimeFilter[0].ARVTime1") = MyPicFilter.DynProperties("TimeAxe[0].TimeFilter.ARVTime1")
MyFct.DynProperties("Filter.TimeFilter[0].ARVTime2") = MyPicFilter.DynProperties("TimeAxe[0].TimeFilter.ARVTime2")

End Sub

Does someone knows the correct properties?

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 25.02.2019 by user Florian L.. Please be aware that information can be outdated.