Symbolic Address bsaed on Functional Constaint

Symbolic Address bsaed on Functional Constaint

Dear Mr. / Mrs. is it Possible to define Variable on IEC850 Driver Based on FC? for Example "Server!F05BCUPRO/PTOC1$ST$Op"? or we must define 3 or 4 Variable to indicate which phases involved in faults. for example: Var1="Server!F05BCUPRO/PTOC1/Op/PhA[ST]", Var2="Server!F05BCUPRO/PTOC1/Op/PhB[ST]" and Var3="Server!F05BCUPRO/PTOC1/Op/PhC[ST]". then in reaction matrix indicate which phase is tripped?

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 23.02.2022 by user abdorrahman. Please be aware that information can be outdated.