Show REAL type data from Zenon Logic to Zenon Scada

Show REAL type data from Zenon Logic to Zenon Scada

I have a problem with showing variables from Zenon Logic to Zenon SCADA screen. 
I made one Zenon logic ST file which read data from TXT file and convert strings into REAL.  When I start simulation it is working (see Pic.1) and I see the values of Real type Variables as well as Bool type. in Code but in Zenon Scada Screen is still shows"0".
But if I in same  Zenon Logic ST file just put some value in Variable HPPPIVA_A1_P it is works, See pic. 2
Can you help me to see where I made mistake. I can't see it. 

I am using Zenon Energy edition 7.10.

Thank you.