

Hi, I have some problems with the SetValueWithStatus function in which the DateAndTime has to be supplied as a long, instead of a Date Type ... In my program, if an alarm is selected in the AML and then a button is pushed, I set the M3 StatusBit of the selected alarm variable using the following line: /* oAmlVar.SetValueWithStatus oAmlVar.Value oAmlVar.StatusValue + 4, SelectedAlarmDateRaised, 0 */ (with SelectedAlarmDateRaised is the time the selected alarm was raised) The goal is to set the M3 bit (this works) using the value of the Alarm in the Alarmlist and using the same time the Alarm was raised. The problem is that SelectedAlarmDateRaised gets its timestamp from the AML in a Date type and the SetValueWithStatus function expects a long to supply the Date and Time. Anybody knows an easy way to convert the timestamp into a long ? I also tried setting M3 using oAmlVar.StatusString = "M3=1". This works fine and keeps the correct RaisedTime for 61850 Variables, but this doesn't seem to work on Internal Variables ... Best regards, Philippe

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 23.02.2017 by user PhilippeVDT. Please be aware that information can be outdated.