Reading Values with the DDE-Driver from Excel

Reading Values with the DDE-Driver from Excel

I am trying to read a column from an Excel-table into an array in zenon. In order to do that I created a DDE-Client-driver and a DDE-variable.
Name: EXCEL_Value
Server: EXCEL
Item: R1C1:R8C1

Then I imported the variable from the driver as an SPS Memory Object and String as Datatype. When I try to display the value of the variable in the runtime with the dynamic text element - nothing gets displayed. (I also tried to display a singel cell with Item:R1C1, but I also got no value displayed in zenon).

If I import my DDE-Driver settings in Excel I can however write values from zenon to Excel. But as stated before, reading values does not work for me.

I hope you can help me with! :)

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 03.06.2019 by user Acrobxo. Please be aware that information can be outdated.