"Das zenon-Plugin ist abgestürzt" Firefox

"Das zenon-Plugin ist abgestürzt" Firefox

Guten Tag! Habe ein Problem auf einem Kundenrechner. Da bei den Userberechtigungen des Kunden das ausführen von ActiveX geblockt wird habe ich versucht das neue Firefox Plugin zu verwenden. Beim öffnen erscheint der Windows Installer von "Microsoft Office Standard 2007" und bei vierteltem Ladebalken stürzt das Plugin ab. Server: ZenOn Runtime 6.51 ZenOn WebServer 6.51 Kundenrechner: Windows 7 SP1 ZenOn WebClient 7 IE9 Mozilla Firefox 17.0 global_vars.js:
// Here enter the exact string how your project is named
var PROJECTNAME  =	"IP07_1_D246_MAIN";

// Please enter here the computername, where your zenOn Runtime is installed and running
var RUNTIMESERVER=	"zenonserver";

// Here you have to enter computername, where you installed the zenon WEB Server
var WEBSERVER    =	"";

// Enter an optional init-zenon-function to be executed when the web clients connects to its server. Defaultvalue = "Init"
var INITFUNCTION = "Init";

// Enable zoom feature (will stretch the project resolution to the size of the web client control) OFF = "0" / ON = "1"
var ZOOM = "0";

// Enter the version number corresponding to the web client.
var VERSION    =	"6,51,0,0";

// Enable HTTP tunnelling feature: 0 = inactive (available on zenon WebClient version 7.00 and higher)
var HTTP = "0";

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 21.11.2012 by user kicker. Please be aware that information can be outdated.