Problem with VBA and RTFunction

Problem with VBA and RTFunction

Hi guys I have a problem with this type of code

Public Sub ExportAllArchive()
Dim VarPercentage As Variable

Set VarPercentage = thisProject.Variables.Item("VarAuxPercentage")
' VarAuxPercentage is linked to a numeric and is rapresented graphically during the export state '

' Open a image with progress bar '
VarPercentage.Value = 0
' Export of an archive from approx 10MB in 5-10second '

VarPercentage.Value = 10
' Export of an archive from approx 10MB in 5-10second '


VarPercentage.Value = 100
' Export of an archive from approx 10MB in 5-10second '

' Close a image with progress bar '
End Sub

I can't understand why the export is not synchronous with the increase of my variable (percentage of export status)
How can I write the code so that the percentage variable is incremented at the end of each export function completed?

With the following code I always have 100 even during the current export

I can't understand why the export is not synchronous with the increase of my variable

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 20.09.2019 by user doublem. Please be aware that information can be outdated.