Problem withe events

Problem withe events


I am trying to implement the following code:

private void MyWorkspace_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.OnWorkspaceStartup += new zenOn.OnWorkspaceStartupEventHandler(MyWorkspace_OnWorkspaceStartup);
this.OnWorkspaceExit += new zenOn.OnWorkspaceExitEventHandler(MyWorkspace_OnWorkspaceExit);
this.OnElementDoubleClicked += new zenOn.OnElementDoubleClickedEventHandler(MyWorkspace_OnElementDoubleClicked);

the problem is that (this.OnElementDoubleClicked) is not defined.

Could you please tell me what reference I need to add the double click event?

thanks in advance

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 18.03.2020 by user IGH315. Please be aware that information can be outdated.