Problematically creating symbols - unique PropSymbolNumber

Problematically creating symbols - unique PropSymbolNumber

Hi, I'm using some code to create linked symbols on a screen & have run afoul of not using unique Symbol numbers (Dynproperty PropSymbolNumber). Is there a method to check for existing values? Only way I can think of is to loop through all the symbols on the screen every time to check. How does the program handle this natively when a new symbol is placed? My other option is to randomise it slightly, but that doesn't guarantee being unique. I'm placing objects with VBA on to a screen with existing symbols so I cant just start at a fixed number & increment for each symbol (what happen if the code is run twice for example?). Any thoughts anyone? Cheers, Dave

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 05.12.2018 by user HMIdeveloper123. Please be aware that information can be outdated.