non-linear value adjustment macros - how to set values without endless loop?

non-linear value adjustment macros - how to set values without endless loop?


after long searching and trying I came to no result.
These options are poorly documented and I didn't find any examples.

In the help one can find this:


Only available, if non-linear value
adjustment is active
Macro is executed when setting a value in the
control system to update the raw value (PLC).


Only available, if non-linear value
adjustment is active
Macro is executed with every change of the raw
value (PLC) to update the value in the control system.

I have no idea how I can set the value in these macros
I tried it by setting obVar.Value = someValue wich results in an endless loop as the macro is called immediately when the value is set.
How to tell the system that I want to set the hardware value or the control system value vice versa…?!

Thank You,


This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 16.11.2018 by user lupp. Please be aware that information can be outdated.