Missing Motors in FieldbusKonfig of zenon logic for EV3

Missing Motors in FieldbusKonfig of zenon logic for EV3

By adding the EV3 Controller, i did not get the drive ports!
This is how the config tree looks like:
- EV3 - Buttons
- Sensoren - Port 0 .. 3
There are no drive ports!!!

When i add the NXT Controller, it looks like this:
LEGO Mindstorm NXT 2.0
- NXT - Status
- Motoren - Port A .. C
- Sensoren - Port 1 .. 4

So, what is wrong? Or is there a other way to insert the drives?

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 18.09.2014 by user marcel.widmer. Please be aware that information can be outdated.