Migration Sicam230 to Zenon - Picture Alarming button

Migration Sicam230 to Zenon - Picture Alarming button

Dear Support Team,
We have a big, multihierarhical project, which we have to migrate from Sicam230 v720 to Zenon v12. We have >1500 images. Totaly around 40.000 Variables. The picture alarming in Sicam230 was done with 3 different alarm classes (Alarm, Stoerung, Warnung), and with "picture alarming button". This picture alarming did the guiding of the user, hierarhicaly, in the tree-like menu, where he has a new/active alarm, and from which class (color). I suppose we have to change these buttons everywhere to normal buttons, because the upper ones are not recognized in Zenon. Which would be the workaround, to have the same functionality in the new converted v12 Zenon, as before in the Sicam230 environment?