I want to know how can i read the values from ABB M2M ?

I want to know how can i read the values from ABB M2M ?

Nice to meet you :D
I'm working at the electric engineering company in Republic of Korea. So, Understand my poor english skills ~ :D
I want to know how i can read the values of ABB M2M. I will use the LAN port of M2M and the opposite side of LAN cable will be connected to PC. And I will use TCP/IP protocol as communication between PC and M2M. The Ping test was good.
First, I want to know which one is suitable driver for TCP/IP protocol. I already tried to test the 'Modbus Energy driver' and 'Modbus RTU and Open Modbus TCP' driver. But I failed.
Basically, I will import the variables from the driver. But I couldn't choose the import sub-menu in zenon.
Second, I'm using the Modscan32 software to get the help. If I have to set the specific settings to communicate with M2M and PC, plz tell me know.
( I know that this forum is for COPADATA. T_T )
I will wait for your response.
Thank you !! ^_^

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 17.10.2014 by user babyoxhead. Please be aware that information can be outdated.