IEC 62056-21 Driver

IEC 62056-21 Driver

Hi, I am trying to use the IEC62056-21 driver in Zenon 8.0 to read values from a CEWE Prometer however I am unable to get Zenon to communicate to it.

The meter is connected to the computer via a serial cable, it is set as RS232 with the following setting
Port Name: COM1 Baud Rate: 19200 Data Bits: 7 Parity: Even Stop Bits: One Protocol: None

The device has an address of 11 and it also has a password.

I have created a few variables to test be they are showing as INVALID, these have a OBIS address of : – Clock – Active Power – Frequency

Using GXDLMSDirector with the settings above I can read values from the meter.

I am overlooking something?

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 14.11.2018 by user LeeCapula. Please be aware that information can be outdated.