How to use gateway in Zenon Energy

How to use gateway in Zenon Energy

Hello everyone,
I have a question.
I usually use Sicam 230 and I use the section "Gateway" under "Variable" menu for example to translate a SinglePoint 61850 stVal status variable to a IEC 60870-5-104 variable M_SP_TA_1 (ASDU 2: Single Point with timetag).
How I can realise the same with Zenon Energy (What function I have to use? I think that linking a variable 61850 input and output 60870 under "Allocation" is not corret. What I have to do to make the same like Sicam 230?).

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 20.10.2018 by user marcomauri. Please be aware that information can be outdated.