How to implement the communication with Zenon from Windows Service (C#)

How to implement the communication with Zenon from Windows Service (C#)

Hoi guys,

I'm C# developer but Zenon is new for me. For new project I have to work with Zenon editor en runtime.
At this moment I try to communicate with Zenon from a Windows Service. But I have no idee how to do that.

Zenon has a lot of drivers that support the communication with extern devices. But the most of the drivers are for PLC devices. Is there a driver which I can use for the communication with my Windows Service. Further if these driver is available, how can I implement it in my Windows service?

Thanks a lot for helping me with this problem.

Best regards,
Melodie Tran

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 13.05.2020 by user MelodieTran. Please be aware that information can be outdated.