How to set Entire Vba Project to variable

How to set Entire Vba Project to variable

Hi Dear support!

I am trying write more complicated function but i have a problem  with find VBA project, for example (easy example to show problem)

what i should set in   Set vbProj = ?
for example in Excel i will set = ThisWorkbook.VBProject

Sub LookingForStringInEntire_VBA_project()
    Dim vbProj As VBProject
    Dim vbComp As VBComponent
    Dim strToFind As String
    Dim strModuleName As String
    Dim strModuleCode As String
    Dim test As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    ' Str to find
    strToFind = "my string"
    ' set reference to project VBA
    Set vbProj = "What i should set here"
    ' look every module in set project
    For Each vbComp In vbProj.VBComponents
        ' check if component is a module
        If vbComp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule Then
            strModuleName = vbComp.Name
            ' set module's code
            strModuleCode = vbComp.CodeModule.Lines(1, vbComp.CodeModule.CountOfLines)
            ' looking for string which you set
            If InStr(1, strModuleCode, strToFind, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
              MsgBox "ok i found"
            End If
        End If
    Next vbComp
    ' clean memory
    Set vbProj = Nothing
    Set vbComp = Nothing
End Sub



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