How to flashing object when a specific variable is un-acknowledged?

How to flashing object when a specific variable is un-acknowledged?

Hi all,

I have a variable A belong to Equipment Model M.
In Equipment model M, I set the Aggregated alarm status variable X - having 2nd bit for check if is there any unacknowledged alarms in this alarm area (M)

Object 1 - my purpose - to flashing when Variable A is unacknowledged:
Use Combined Object:
- type of "Symbol library"
Variable A (source of alarm)
- Set a condition using status bit "Not acknowledged" - choose flashing option.

For check only, I create Object 2 - 
flashing when any Variable (including A) in Equipment model is unacknowledged
Use Combined Object:
- type of "Symbol library"
Variable X (alarm status of Equipment Group)
- Set a condition using value bit 2 - choose flashing option.

As result, when I set Variable A to alarm - 
unacknowledged :
Object 1 - using status bit "Not acknowledged" of Variable A : not flash or display the symbol as I want.
Object 2 - using 
value bit 2 of  variable X : flash and display the symbol as normal.

So what 's wrong that I did in object 1? How can I do for the purpose as in the title?